April is ending with a burst of color!

Over the past couple of days, there have been many colorful birds around, some that are returning for the summer! On Tuesday (4/28) it was the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks. I have seen at least 2 or 3 males but no females yet. Today the Baltimore Orioles have returned! The Eastern Bluebird pair and the Pine Warblers also spent some time at the platform feeder today! I hadn’t seen any of them at the feeder for several days. I assumed the Pine Warblers moved on, but maybe they do stick around longer? I am really enjoying my Birdsy video camera! It not only lets me view what’s going on in real time, but I also end up with many videos of these beautiful birds! Here is a sampling of some of these birds from today!


May Bluebird Update


New Sightings